Thursday 26 July 2012

Thrillers Give a Therapeutic Effect to the Viewer

Action movies provide tension, thrills, energy, and high-impact action aided by special effects and fast-paced storylines. The episodes can involve action such as explosions, car chases, aerial chases, fist fights and gun fights. In advanced thrillers, the storyline may carry elements of espionage and heroism.

Targeting teens, youngsters who are adventurous and love to get their adrenaline going thriller genre comes in many sub segments such as Superhero Film: Action Thrillers: Action-Adventure: Crime Action: Espionage Action: Futuristic/Sci-Fi Action.

Alfred Hitchcock is the father of suspense and thriller movies. His movies portrayed fear and fantasy in the protagonists who are mostly innocent people. Caught in tight circumstances on which they have no control or understanding, these protagonists are forced into a journey of mystery and the struggle to wriggle out of their dark destiny.

Mentioning a few thrillers that caught our fancy in the not so remote past will be worthwhile. They are The Final Storm: The Business of Strangers: Captive Women: The Cool Surface: The Wilby Conspiracy and Don’t Bother to Knock.

Now the experience of watching a thriller can be intellectually summarized like this. Thrillers can set our heart pounding. They provide booster doses of thrill and leave us aghast at the fact that we can fall prey to the circumstances. The appeal of thriller movies will never wane at a time watching thriller movies online has emerged as a great opportunity.

In short, a thriller satisfies our inner urges to explore the hitherto untouched aspects of lives. Watching a  thriller movie amounts to putting a bright torchlight into the unexplored, inexplicable avenues of our mind to ignite wonder and curiosity perpetually.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Romance Movies: Immortalizing Love

“Romance, who loves to nod and sing,
With drowsy head and folded wing,
Among the green leaves as they shake
Far down within a shadowy lake…”

This is how Edgar Allan Poe described his perception of Romance in the quoted poem.   

Yes, romance is always in the air. It was and will stay as the main component in movies. Who can forget Brokeback Mountain and Pride and Prejudice that sent people weeping and made its way to many Oscar awards for cinematic excellence? 

The all time romantic hits admired by all romantics are a handful. Movies like The Notebook, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, You've Got Mail, A Walk to Remember, Casablanca, Titanic, City of Angels Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,  Lake House, Moulin Rouge will definitely find a place in the elite list of romantic movies.

Despite charges of weaving the movies around a set formula like boy meets girl, girl likes the boy, and after a few silly events and jokes wedding bells ring and love conquers all hostilities. Sometimes the idea may look simple yet archaic, romantic movies do present an amiable cocktail of emotions and carry the audience. They bring joy, smiles, laughter and unravel the beauty of love in life.

Romance movies are timeless; sometimes escapist stuff too. The appeal of romance is kept alive. No matter how happy or tragic the ending is, romantic movies are loved for keeping the dream alive.

There are many factors that make a romance movie click.

Quite often the leads in the movie become very 'likable' to the target audience who believe they are lovers or can be lovers in real life. Meg Ryan, the romantic queen in late 80s gave amazing performances in 'When Harry Meet Sally' and 'Sleepless in Seattle' with Billy Crystal and Tom Hanks. Her chemistry with the actors in both clicked and gave the movies critical and commercial success.

The movie adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (2005) was a nice romance of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Darcy. It effectively portrayed the 'games' that both played with each other until they eventually fell in love.

A killer element in a Romantic movie can be the song or soundtrack of the movie that enhances the romantic experience. It can be a pop song sung by the popular artist and a chart buster. The song "My Heart Will Go On" sung by Celine Dion in the movie Titanic was a killer hook in the success of the movie as a commercial hit. Throughout the movie, the song appears either in the form of a short music clip or instrumental background.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Classic Films In High Demand

The Great Dictator
Thanks to the explosion of online movies there is a new revival to watch classic movies. A classic means a great film. Questions like how well-known or how long that movie has been around are immaterial in deciding the worth of a film as a true classic. Generally classic movies are the best in the history of cinema. The general perspective is that the longer the movie is around, longer will be its status as a classic. Great films, essentially classics provide new insights and fresh analyses. Black and white films, films without sound and films in other languages are examples of it.

Those movies are bigger than real life. The recent launch of Warner Brothers Archive for classic movies testifies to this new demand. Online movie sites including ‘Moviesinsanity’ play a catalytic role in feeding the demand to watch classic movies online.

There is a new market for TV reruns of the old classic movies. The real classics, of yesteryear had human themes and memorable characters adapted from classic literature and popular novels. The great classics were made in 1939, generally called the Golden Year of Movies.

Warner Brothers launched the Warner Brothers Archive for classic movies covering everything that customers needed from an online shop. They can be accessed on the basis of the genre or decade, and the on-demand DVD’s are “burned”.  Good movies entertain, enthrall and move us emotionally. Once they have conquered our hearts and brains the nostalgic pull to see them again and again will pulsate in our minds. That is the magic of classic movies.